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Free Android Market |SongPop 1.3.54 (Android)

Written By Unknown on Monday, October 8, 2012 | 9:00 PM

SongPop 1.3.54 (Andro)

Overview: The bet music trivia game.

Requirement: Andro OS 2.2 and up

Market Upde Releas: October 5, 2012

Price: $1.99

eL6HB SongPop 1.3.54 (Andro) 6c8b629d SongPop 1.3.54 (Andro)

Wh’s New in SongPop verion 1.3.54:

♪ Achievement

♪ High Score

♪ Tips and twitter integrion

♪ Weekly Tournament bonus

♪ Japae loizion

♪ Bug fixe


Are you ready to rock? Listen to song clips to tet your music recognition – then send challenge to your friends! Prove th you’re a true music master with Song Pop, the bet music app!

Play with song by your favorite artist, explore w genre, and rediscover nostalgic classics with our fun quizze!

Conct with Facebook to find and play with your friends, or cree random mche with music-lov stranger!

SongPop Premium Feure!

♪ Play with twice as many friends once!

♪ Extend, HD quality music clips!

♪ Totally ad-free, forever!

SongPop Game Feure!

♪ From Today’s Hit to Classic Rock, start with 6 basic playlist – there’s someth for everyo!

♪ Play with thousands of song from the Golden Oldie to today!

♪ Invite your friends to quick challenge and see who has the bet music memory!

♪ Unlock w playlist feur more genre, more artist, and special song collection!

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Download SongPop 1.3.54 (Andro)


The po SongPop 1.3.54 (Andro) appear firt on Megandroids.

Free Android Market |My Budget Book 3.1 (Android)

My Budget Book 3.1 (Andro)

Overview: My Budget Book is not ju an ordinary expene management program. T app helps you keep track of you expenditure and earn and manage your moy more effectively.

Requirement: Andro OS 2.1 and up

Market Upde Releas: October 7, 2012

Price: $2.31

neO0 My Budget Book 3.1 (Andro) zeegvwcw zps8bc9e2a5 My Budget Book 3.1 (Andro)


Wh’s New in My Budget Book verion 3.1:

  • Tranaction and temple can now be copied via the context menu.

  • Tranaction can now be us as a temple via the context menu.

  • The main cegory will be display in addition to the tranaction, if it is a sub-cegory.

  • Various optimizion.

All your expene a glance.

Use the individual tranfer and stand order feure to get an idea of your expene over the xt couple of months and see how much moy you have available to spend. The app alo give you a graphi overview of the informion, mak it easier to plan (larger) purchase over the up-com months.

We all know wh it feel like to want to buy someth but not know whether you can afford it. Use My Budget Book to see your current balance as well as how many bill you have to pay before the end of the month.

Main feure:

✔ Easy acces. No intert conction requir.

✔ No registrion!

✔ Available in 10 language (The language is currently select via your pho sett): English, Deutch, Español, Português, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Pусский, Polki, Magyar.

✔ See t month☺s balance when the app start up.

✔ The graphi overview is perfect for plann your expene over the upcom of months.

✔ Customize the overview by chang the number of pa and future months th are display.

✔ Manage more than o account.

✔ Record you earn and expene across all account.

✔ Get more flexibility by select wh day you want the month to start on.

✔ Visualise the stistics as a table or graph and see where your moy has go by cegoris all earn and expene.

✔ Filter your earn and expene accord to months, quarter or whole year, as well as any other criteria.

✔ Sort your tranaction by de, amount, title or cegory.

✔ Use the powerful search function to look for specific expene and/or time periods.

✔ Carry your balance over into the xt month.

✔ Manage stand order so you can plan ahead for the upcom months.

✔ Cree temple to make inputt your expene is even easier.

✔ Add further main and sub-cegorie to get a better overview of your expene.

✔ Use the wchli to monitor important tranaction.

✔ Use the built-in culor to quickly cule amount.

✔ Protect your da by activ password protection.

✔ Export your da in HTML or CSV Form (on SD card).

✔ Cree backups so you ver lose your da. Now alo with automic backup feure.

✔ Import your exist da us the CSV import function (Ju move the CSV file to the folder “SDCard/My Budget Book” and import it via the app sett (Import of other form will be made available by requet).

✔ 3 Widget. NOTE: If you move the app to SD card, you can not use widget. T is due to the Andro system and it can not be chang.

✔ Built-in intruction.

To use the app as a sle user on different device or to add automic backups to DropBox, it is recommend th you use a synchronizion app such as Dropsync or FolderSync. For more informion, please read the chapter “Synchronizion” in the integr guide.

My Budget Book is easy to use ☺ it further development will be bas on user☺ wishe and eds.

Moy, Budget, Finance, Bank, Account, Sav account, Current account, Tranaction, budget, Budget, Finance, Wallet, housekeep book

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Download My Budget Book 3.1 (Andro)


The po My Budget Book 3.1 (Andro) appear firt on Megandroids.

Free Android Market |EVA – Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Android)

EVA – Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Andro)

Overview: EVA is the bet Voice Assistant for Andro

Requirement: Andro OS 2.2 and up

Market Upde Releas: October 5, 2012

Price: $9.99

t1mLC EVA   Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Andro) nEINW zpsa7aa8a07 EVA   Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Andro)


Wh’s New in EVA – Virtual Assistant t verion 2.43:















EVA Virtual Assistant is a mu have app if you want to use voice to increase your productivity.

NOTE: If you have a problem please email me (link below, I don’t bite). You are wast your time leav it as an app review because Google has not provid a way for me to contact you.


Who should use EVA? If you are look for an applicion th provide hands-free operion of your pho to open apps, read and reply to text mesage and email, schedule endar event and many more function th you can perform us ju your voice then EVA is right for you. If you are ju look for an electronic friend to ch with then please go with o of the Siri clo. On the other hand if you want a real virtual assistant th has useful function th will make your life easier then please give EVA a try.

EVA has all the function you’d expect your assistant to perform plus some th you probably ver kw were possible. Here is a li of some of the function th you wont find in mo of the competition:

★ Read and reply to incom text and email includ Microsoft Exchange

★ Integrion with Evernote

★ Home Automion with INSTEON. Turn on the light and appliance, open the garage door and a whole lot more, all with voice commands or schedul or bas on your locion.

★ Locion bas reminder. Remind you to do someth bas on your locion.

★ Locion bas action. Perform any function th EVA can do bas on your current locion. Have EVA automily text your wife when you leave the office.

★ Time bas action. Perform any function th EVA can do on a set day and time

★ In car mode includ wake up phrase

★ Custom voice shortcut to your pho applicion. Give your apps any name you want and open them us th name.

★ Voice bookmark to your favorite web site. Give your bookmark any name you want and open them us th name.

★ Active ju by shak your pho

★ Work with all Bluetooth Headset

If you have tried Vlo, Speaktoit, Jeannie and Iris and you want someth th doe mo everyth they can do plus a lot more then give EVA a try.

If you prefer a male assistant please choose EVAN intead.

If you don’t already have a third party text to speech voice th replace the default Pico voice on your pho I recommend SVOX Classic. Their voice will work with any text to speech app on your device. Download the Free SVOX Classic to demo the voice.

EVA is English only. Please don’t me 1 star r for not hav your language. I am o peron work on t. Other language are not possible t time!

Voice Recognition, Voice Assistant, Peronal Assistant, Speech Recognition, Bluetooth, Hands Free, Text to Speech, Voice Action, Voice Search, Google Maps, Siri, Vlo, Speaktoit, Microsoft Exchange, Evernote

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Download EVA – Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Andro)


The po EVA – Virtual Assistant 2.43 (Andro) appear firt on Megandroids.

Free Android Market |Touch-Writer GLASS v1.3.3 (1.3.3) Android Apk App

Touch-Writer GLASS v1.3.3

Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
: Andro 2.2+

Overview: Enter a whole w, tranformive experience us t amaz w technology bas on proprietary, world-class geture recognition technology.


It’s sublime.

special note: GLASS is optimiz for ENGLISH. It will work in other language but the auto-correction will be disabl thus provid a poor experience.

T App has NO advertisement


Free Android Market |Tapatalk HD for Android – Version 0.2 (0.2) Android Apk App

Tapalk HD for Andro – Verion 0.2

Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
: Andro 4.0+


Tapalk contain all the feure and capabilitie found in your favorite brower but in a simple, straight-forward delivery. Easily see who is onli, view board stistics, and even user profile all with wait for your pho’s brower to conct to the Intert. Give it a try today.

T app has NO advertisement


Free Android Market |Atom Launcher v1.3.1 (1.3.1) Android Apk App

Atom Launcher v1.3.1

Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
: Andro v4.0+

Overview: Light and Easy!!

Atom Launcher, ste of the art launcher for Andro☺s w OS; ICS, is now on market

5 Million download, SSKIN – now introduce you our w launcher for ICS

Experience w optimiz ICS launcher if you have ICS verion andro pho

*** Feure

- High quality : Launcher for Ice Cream Sandwich (from Andro ICS 4.0.2)

- Light & Easy : Offer Select Option by light and easy launcher

- Stylish : Stylish UI with backgrounds, icon, and point color

- Smart : Optimiz theme for ICS, Automily support exist launcher such as SSKIN and Go Launcher

- Fun: Offer fun-interactive theme by various backgrounds, live backgrounds and ICS☺s widget

*** Atom Launcher Spec.

- Support for ICS☺s widget and menu: Widget loc on upper side of screen (search bar or clock)

- Available for Chang Display Sett on Hidden Dock: Emotional Filter Effect, Various Screen Switch, Opacity Adjustment

- Available for Change by Sett Point Color Change: Available for Color Change for widget, Menu, Guide, or icon

- Live Background: Change to dull backgrounds with dynamic backgrounds

- Wide-Range Theme Support: Wide-range theme support by Atom Launcher and alo exist SSKIN and GO Launcher theme

*** Attention

- Available from above Andro OS 4.0.2 verion

- The applicion eds 10 MB in total to save theme reource.

- Because of enhanc usability, intall theme doen☺t appear

- Not Available for Tab Device (X-large screen)

- Badge: Display miss l, unread mesage (Supprot only defalt apps on your Andro device, Could not support the funtion by device)

*** Upgrade Info

+ Wh’s w in verion 1.0.0


- fix exception error

- fix malfunction on All Apps edit mode

- chang sett li

- fix disppear error for Wokpace icon

Additional Function

- Flipp display

- Possible to change icon indivisually

- Possible to cha app name

- Link to Atom store

+ Wh’s w in verion 1.1.0


-upgrade the function br Home screen sett from defalt sett

-improv All Apps gr mode

-Fix text error on Atom menu

-Fix error in mov item on Workpace

Additional Funtion

- Add All Apps Gr mode on lancher sett

- Add scroll-funtion for folder icon and folder guide

+ Wh’s w in verion 1.2.0


- fix the error th All Apps open slowly on the firt page and la page

- fix the error th some apps are duplic or disappear on the hidden app li

+ Wh’s w in verion 1.3.1

-Add ‘Reorder’ function which is offer only for Jellybean

-Add ‘Retore’ and ‘Back-Up’ functin which is for sav user’ sett.

-Offer 2 type of folder

-Add Semantic zoom (Pinch in) funciton on All Apps

-Strengthen indivisual icon-change funchion

-Execpt zoon mode when home screen is be edit

-Strengthen indicor bar’s ON-OFF function

-Add Geture funtion

-Offer om launcher’s icon

-Fix error which only occure euroupian user

**Additional Funtion

- start support Muti-Wallpaper theme

*** Customer Support

Please leave review or comment on Google play review

Your review will be appreci.

For more informion or support, please visit

- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/om.home

- CS E-mail: om.launcher@dlto.co.kr

Recent change:

For now, verion 1.3.1 is the lastet.


-Add ‘automic order’ function on home screen which is offer only for Jellybean

-Add ‘Retore’ and ‘Back-Up’ functin which is for sav user’ sett.

-Offer 2 type of folder

-Add Semantic zoom (Pinch in) funciton on All Apps

-Strengthen indivisual icon-change funchion

-Execpt zoon mode when home screen is be edit

-Strengthen indicor bar’s ON-OFF function

-Add Geture funtion

-Offer om launcher’s icon

Les decription »

Let verion: 1.3.1 ()

T app has no advertisement

More Info:




Free Android Market |Android Eye – Computer Vision v1.1.0 (1.1.0) Android Apk App

Andro Eye – Computer Vision v1.1.0

Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
: Andro 1.6+

Overview: Computer Vision. Object Recognition. Andro Eye. The ONLY Computer Vision App!


Award with “5 star Reviewer’ choice!” by FileDir.com.

Computer Vision. Object Recognition. Andro Eye. Take a Picture of any Object.

Please comment and re 5 star, I’m depend on popularity to continue my work<3

Andro Eye is an advanc Object Recognition app. Take a picture of any object, and Andro Eye will tell you wh it is.

Computer Vision. Image Recognition Technology (IRC).

Will automily download python interpreter for you (ed for Image Recognition Algorithm.)

Take a picture of a car… Andro Eye will tell you the make and model of the car. Take a picture of a foreign t-shirt label… Andro Eye will tell you the brand, and where the shirt is from. Take a picture of a tree… a ball… a peron… the reult are endles.

T is the w verion, it work very well, particularly with vehicle, product, brands, and well-known “th”.

Alo, it’s AMAZING tak picture of friends! I took o pic and my friend made a funny face. Andro Eye show a thought proces th made us LAUGH! Then it gues her as “Creepy K”.. it alo guese celebrity name.

Software th doe t is usually only available to government agencie and reearch facilitie.

Enjoy, and learn with it Ideal for visually impair peron. Ideal for identify vehicle or other manufactur item includ computer, pho, or anyth you would like a name for, a make or a model

T App has NO advertisement


Free Android Market |My Budget Book v3.1 (3.1) Android Apk App

 My Budget Book v3.1

All your expene a glance.

My Budget Book is not a normal household account book.

T app helps you keep track of you expenditure and earn and manage your moy more effectively.

Use the individual tranfer and stand order feure to get an idea of your expene over the xt couple of months and see how much moy you have available to spend. The app alo give you a graphi overview of the informion, mak it easier to plan (larger) purchase over the up-com months.

We all know wh it feel like to want to buy someth but not know whether you can afford it. Use My Budget Book to see your current balance as well as how many bill you have to pay before the end of the month.


Easy acces. No intert conction requir – No registrion!

Available in 10 language (At the moment the moment the app language is bas on your telepho sett).

See t month☺s balance when the app start up.

The graphi overview is perfect for plann your expene over the upcom of months.

Customize the overview by chang the number of pa and future months th are display.

Manage more than o account – Record you earn and expene across all account.

Visualise the stistics as a table or graph and see where your moy has go by cegoris all earn and expene.

Filter your earn and expene accord to months, quarter or whole year.

Use the powerful search function to look for specific expene and/or time periods.

Carry your balance over into the xt month.

Manage stand order so you can plan ahead for the upcom months.

Cree temple to make inputt your expene is even easier.

Add further main and sub-cegorie to get a better overview of your expene

Use the notepad to monitor important expene.

Protect your da by activ password protection.

Export your da in HTML or CSV Form (on an SD card).

Cree backups so you ver lose your da.

Import your exist da us the CSV import function (Ju move the CSV file to the folder “SDCard/My Budget Book” and import it via the app sett (Import of other form will be made available by requet).

Wh’s in t verion : (Upd : Oct 7, 2012)

Tranaction and temple can now be copied via the context menu.

Tranaction can now be us as a temple via the context menu.

The main cegory will be display in addition to the tranaction, if it is a sub-cegory.

Various optimizion.

Requir Andro O/S : 2.1+

Release By chhu





Free Android Market |360 Panorama Apk Android

Written By Unknown on Sunday, October 7, 2012 | 9:00 PM

360 Panorama by Occipital make it debut on Andro! Beautiful panoramas made easy.

Take stunn 360 panoramas everywhere. 360 Panorama turn your Andro pho into a full feur 360 degree panoramic camera. Easily capture immerive panoramas in seconds and intantly share your 360 view with the world. Simply pan the camera and wch as image are stitch seamlesly. 360 Panorama capture the sce in a way you ver could with a traditional camera.

Deigd to take full advantage of your device.

☺ Unbeable speed: Taps into the raw power of your device to stitch panoramas in realtime.

☺ Never forget a locion: Each panorama is GPS tagg, complete with a compass head.

Share your immerive 360 view - with anyo.

☺ Share onli: View upload panoramas on any computer or device. App not requir!

☺ Po on Facebook: Po 360 view on your wall or to a photo album - all from the app.

☺ Tweet in 360: Share sce your friends can view anywhere, even inide their Twitter app.

☺ Email 360 view: Say ☺wish you were here☺ in a whole w way.

More than an app - an amaz website, too.

☺ Free and safe panorama storage onli: Upload panoramas to your Occipital account for acces from any dektop or mobile brower any time.

☺ Automic quality boo: Cloud enhancement automily retouche and improve your panoramas over time us advanc algorithm!

☺ Join the community: Build a world of panoramas for everyo to enjoy on 360VERSE.com.

☺ Share and emb: Shar is ju as easy as in-app. Plus, you can even emb panoramas into your website or blog.

360 Panorama is w to Andro, but check wh's been said ab the iPho verion:

"Intant, aweome panoramas"- CNET

"Easy as pie☺impresively sharp." - Gizmodo

"Feel like magic" - TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

"Ju download t 360 Panorama App. Kinda dope☺" - Chamillionaire

Click for Download

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Free Android Market |Meridian Media Player Pro Apk Android

The mo functional and customizable player for your video and music in pho. The video and music player with mo customizable space.

Convenient geture to control. Advanc media folder sett, you can set includ and exclud folder -- in ANY DEPTH. Not only o level under /sdcard now.

PlayQ rher than playlist, can handle videos, musics, and their MIXTURE. Alo, you can put a folder, an arti, an album or like th into a PlayQ.

Other feure:

- Music tag edit (mp3, flac, ogg, mp4 audio, etc.)

- .srt subtitle support

- Song r, can synchronize with PC in Pro verion

- Play video as music, for your music videos

- Toolkit to recan SD card, clean media dabase

- Folder brow and index brow

- Customizable tabs

...and more.

Click for Download

Apk File

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Pro Key

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Free Android Market |Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies +data Apk Android

The Call of Duty: Zombie phenomenon has risen back to life.

Adapt from the bet-sell conole hit and built specifily for tablet and smartpho, Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie deliver fan-favorite, heart-pound maps: Kino Der Toten, Ascenion, and Call of the Dead: Director☺s Cut, as well as ☺Dead-Ops Arcade,☺ a 50-level zombie gauntlet th provide the ultime undead challenge for fan of Call of Duty☺s signure zombie warfare.

Play solo or join a team of up to 4 player via Wi-Fi as you mow down horde of zombie us a variety of weapon and perk only available in the Call of Duty zombie experience.

And don☺t ju take our word for it; here is wh critics think of the game:

☺ ☺Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie is a mu-have for any Call of Duty fan and for everyday gamer alike.☺ ☺ Mashable.com

☺ "As far as the whole package is concerd, I adore the Dead Ops Arcade mode and feel it adds significant value to the $6.99 price tag" ☺ Detructo

☺ ☺Dead Ops☺a perfect fit for the mobile plform.☺ ☺ G4 TV onli

Player can alo opt to enhance their experience and get of a jam with the in-game CoD Point System. With six tier of in-app purchas option to choose from, Zombie fan will be able to take their experience to a whole w level by unlock additional areas and secur better weapon in much les time. Please note th CoD point are only applicable in sle player.

☺ Buy CoD point in the Main Menu to use when you run of eard point in-game.

☺ CoD point can be spent on anyth in the game such as reviv, open door, weapon, perk, and the mystery box but are only us when you do not have enough eard point.

☺ Revive can alo be bought with CoD point if you die with the revive perk, although the three revive limit still applie.

☺ Note: Your CoD point will be lo if the app is unintall from your device.

Sure, earn Achievement and Point-Multiplier is nice, but to survive thee Co-Op Maps, you☺ll ed friends as much as you☺ll ed firepower. Lucky for you, not only will the weapon and perk you love from Call of Duty lie your fertips, you can join with up to 4 player via Wi-Fi to play mulitiplayer.

As if th wasn☺t enough, Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombie alo include ☺Dead-Ops Arcade☺ mode, an arcade-style top-down shooter perfectly suit for mobile comb vet. Unlock the mode is easy☺simply find the four miss coin in the game☺s menus.

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copy 'com.v.blackops' to sdcard/Andro/obb/

remove verificion with lucky pcher via auto.....

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Free Android Market |Plague Inc. Apk Android

The # 1 mobile stregy game is here ☺☺☺☺☺

Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high stregy and terrifyly

realistic simulion from developer Ndemic Creion and brought to

you on Andro by Miniclip. Can you infect the world?

Your phogen has ju infect 'Pient Zero'. Now you mu br

ab the end of human tory by evolv a deadly, global Plague

whilt adapt againt everyth humanity can do to defend itelf.

Brilliantly execut with innovive gameplay and built from the

ground up for mobile, Plague Inc. evolve the stregy genre and

pushe mobile gam (and you) to w level. It☺s You vs. the world -

only the stronget can survive!

A global hit with over 70 thousand 5 star r from around the

world and feure in wpaper such as The Economi, New York Po,

Boston Herald, The Guardian and London Metro.

☺ ☺Plague Inc will snag your tention in all the right ways and keep

it there☺ - Touch Arcade

☺ ☺No deny Plague Inc.'s high-level of quality☺ - Modojo

☺ ☺Plague Inc. should not be as much fun as it is☺ ☺ London Metro

☺ ☺Will leave you hop to detroy the world, all in the name of a

bit of fun☺ ☺ Pocket Lint

☺ ☺Plague Inc will br the evil side of any gamer with it goal

of cre a super virus capable of wip the entire human

populion☺ ☺ G4tv

☺ ☺Plague Inc.'s gameplay is infectious☺ - Slide to Play

☺ ☺Kill billion has ver been so fun☺ ☺ IGN


☺Stunn graphics with a highly polish interface (Contagion guaranteed)

☺Highly detail, hyper-realistic world with advanc AI (Outbreak management)

☺Comprehenive in-game help and tutorial system (I am Legendarily helpful)

☺10 different disease type with radily different stregie to

master (10 Monkeys?)

☺Full Save/Load functionality (28 Save Ler!)

☺50+ countrie to infect, hundreds of trait to evolve, thousands of

world event to adapt to (Pandemic evolv)

☺Scoreboards and achievement to track the epidemic

Lois in English (more language com soon!)

Plague Inc. is a high quality, premium game and on Google Play, it is

free to play. If you like it - you can unlock the full game with an

in-app purchase. T will enable bonus feure for you and remove


da: SDcard/Andro/obb

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SD Da File

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Free Android Market |Championship Rally 2012 Apk Android

Hold on tight, it☺s go to be a bumpy ride! Championhip Rally 2012 put you in the driv se as you speed, drift and career through some of the bet rally action on mobile. Build up point and unlock better car as you gotie 12 increasly difficult and varied coure. Prove you are up to the challenge as you compete to become the ultime Rally Champion!


* Four mode to play: Quick Race, World Cup, Time Attack and Hot Se

* Pass'n'Play multiplayer let you compete for the bet lap time with up to three friends

* Different, world class, rally car to unlock, each with different characteristics

* 12 exhilar coure to race, feur a variety of different terrain and weher condition to tet your driv skill

Click For Download

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Free Android Market |jetAudio Plus 1.8.0 (Android)

jetAudio Plus 1.8.0 (Andro)

Overview: jetAudio is a music player with Wide/Reverb/X-Bass and 10/20 bands EQ.

Requirement: Andro 2.3.3+

Market Upde Releas: October 6, 2012

Price: $1.99

lyFU6 jetAudio Plus 1.8.0 (Andro) da1cf138 jetAudio Plus 1.8.0 (Andro)

jetAudio for Window is the highet r and mo download media player on CNET and, now you can listen to same high-quality sound on your Andro pho us jetAudio.

It plays almo any type of digital music file you have (.wav, .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .m4a, .mpc, .tta, .wv, .ape, .mod, .spx and more) and, it provide a very high quality sound with various effect and enhancement such as Wide, Reverb, X-Bass.

It come with 32 equalizer preet th will provide a wide array of listen experience.

For those who would like to customize their own sound experience, it alo allow 10/20 bands graphic equalizer and other advanc playback function includ playback speed control, crossfad, AGC and much more.

Basic verion provide same feure with Plus verion except advertisement and some feure.

To enjoy full feure of jetAudio, please purchase Plus verion.

* 20-bands graphic equalizer

* Display lyrics in tag (Unynchroniz lyrics)

* 2 New lock screen

* 6 New app widget : 4×1 (#2), 4×2 (#1), 4×2 (#2), 3×3, 2×2, 2×3

* Wide, Reverb, X-Bass sound effect

* AGC (automic gain control) to avo volume fluctuion between track

* Speed control from 0.5x to 2.0x (pitch adjust)

* Crossfad, Gap-les playback

* Fade-in/Fade-

* Brower and play music by artit, album, song, playlist and folder

* Balance/Volume control

* Sleep timer up to 24 hour

* Flick up to po wh you’re listen to on Facebook/Twitter

* Flick down to show Now Play

* Flick left/right to play xt/previous

* Lock screen

* Repe A< ->B

* Headset button control (pres to pause/reume, double pres to play xt)

* Multi-select function (Delete/Add to playli) for folder mode

* Support form:

MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, M4A, MPC, TTA, WV, APE, MOD (module form S3M, IT), SPX, AIFF

Wh’s New in jetAudio Plus verion 1.7.0:

WMA support (depends on your device spec)

Show/hide button bar by album art touch

Pitch shifter (for Plus only)

New widget (4×2, 4×3, 4×4) (for Plus only)

Shake to play xt/prev track

Show/Hide album art on Folder tab

Share function

Full screen option (hide stus bar)

Sort in Song tab

Always display option for stus bar icon

Fix M4A lyric display problem

Hebrew/Spanish language add

Other minor enhancement and bug fixe

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The po jetAudio Plus 1.8.0 (Andro) appear firt on Megandroids.

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