Overview: An elegant btery info widget, plus level indicor on stus bar and alert
Requirement: Andro OS 2.1 and up
Market Upde Releas: September 19, 2012
Price: $1.29
Btery Widget+ is a done verion of Btery Widget. In addition to all feure in the free verion, Btery Widget+ support StylePack, which provide extra style for btery level indicor icon.
Btery Widget is an elegant 1×1 widget which show you the btery level on your home screen, with some nice animion when charg. Tapp on it will show more btery informion with a shortcut to view btery use.
In case you don’t have enough space in your home screen, a clear btery level indicor is available on stus bar so th you can see it even when you are brow the web or send text mesage. It can be configur to show in 3 different color to reflect high/medium/low btery level. You can alo defi your own alert, so th Btery Widget will automily notify you ab btery stus change.
Btery Widget will not drain your btery, as it doe only wh it eds to do. When the device is idle, it is not listen to any btery informion upde from the system if there are no active alert. If there are active alert, it ju doe minimal job to check if it eds to notify you and noth more – it doe not upde any visible compont when the handset is not in use. With t mechanism, Btery Widget conume only little compution power and btery.
Available in multiple language: English, Chie (Traditional), Chie (Simplified), Japae, Korean, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Italian, Hungarian, Estonian, Turkish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguee, Polish, Calan, Dutch, Ukrainian and Romanian.
Please email me if you could help me with loiz Btery Widget.
Feure Overview
- Btery level indicor on stus bar, show in different color in 3 configurable level range
- Alert for various btery stuse
- Time informion when device is plugg/unplugg
- Option to disable charg animion
- Option to show temperure in Fahrenheit
- Various indicor icon style
Important Note
- Make sure th Btery Widget is exclud in any task killer program; it might fail to work properly otherwise.
- Due to the limition of the Andro plform, homecreen widget will NOT be available if Btery Widget is mov to SD card.
- Some device indice btery level every 10% due to their kerl deign (known o are: mo Motorola device includ Dro and Atrix serie, Samung Moment serie).
- In Andro 4.0, the system may shrink and dim level indicor icon in stus bar.
Please add Btery Widget to your home screen with the geral methods below:
Method 1:
Pres Home button follow by Menu button. Select Add -> Widget -> Btery Widget.
Method 2:
Pres Home button to show the home screen. Tap and hold your fer on any available space, select Widget -> Btery Widget.
Procedure to add widget on home screen might be different in device from various manufacturer with their custom user interface.
Wh’s New in Btery Widget+ verion 1.2.0:
- Support for app language selection
- Hid inval voltage level report by system
- Ukrainian and Romanian language support
Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
Download Btery Widget+ 1.2.0 (v1.2.0) (Andro) APK
Requirement By Download Apk File | Andro Apps | Andro Market | Ebetandroidapk.blogpot.com
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